Top 3 Must-Use CRM Tools For Your Business

Everything I learned about, Pipedrive, and Capsule in one month

Lhia Romero
3 min readJan 14, 2021
Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

Project For The Month Of January

This month I will be taking the time to independently learn everything I can about various Customer Relationship Management software. CRMs help businesses manage and analyze interactions with their past, current, and potential customers. In addition to managing the organization of short and long-term projects, CRM’s increase productivity, communication, and create project transparency with your employees and clients. Suffice it to say, CRM’s are highly used in a lot of different start-ups to maintain a balanced workflow.

I wanted to take this month to learn something that could help me in any business setting but that I could also show to a hiring manager in the future.

Check below weekly to see what I’ve learned throughout the month!

Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

What I Hope To Accomplish

Showing others my learning process, I hope to provide a little assurance and relief that others can gain some insight into how to incorporate CRM’s into their businesses. I also want to demonstrate what it takes to learn the details and features of the software.

I will gain useful skills by learning how to document my learning process (with written and video documentation) while independently teaching myself new software. Reaching an understanding of how to manage my time and monthly goals appropriately to take everything I can out of the process.

By the end of the month, I’m hoping to be able to navigate confidently through several CRM platforms and be familiar enough to teach others as well.

Weekly Updates

Week 1- What I learned about
Week 2- What I learned about Pipedrive
Week 3- What I learned about Capsule
Week 4- My final project recap

What I Would’ve Done Differently

If I had the chance to do this month over I would’ve done a better job getting a quick overview of each software before I fully dove in. It would’ve helped me realize which CRM required more hours to fully learn it in comparison to the others.

Admittedly, documenting my work wasn’t as easy as I had thought. Next time I would designate a specific time each day to document part of my process, whether I felt ready or not. Daily documenting would help me stay on track with my work and see the progress of what I learned in the process.

Managing my time to do all my work was something I struggled with but I learned that I need to be more detailed in my objectives from the start and throughout the process. Keeping detailed lists that I can always check back to will allow me to stay on track and keep everything organized.

What Did I Learn From The Process

Initially, I had no idea what a CRM was, let alone that there were hundreds to choose from. As I began my research I realized that CRM’s are crucial to so many businesses. Whether they have 50 employees or 5,000, every company needs a platform where every team member can have all the client or customer information at their disposal. This speeds up workflow and maintains accountability amongst the team.

In addition to employee & client transparency, CRM’s help with things like analytics, automation, project tracking, and keeping track of customer interactions. They help teams collaborate on complex projects and track everyday work projects in order to correctly bill clients for work done.

The best way to accurately designate a CRM for your company you first need to research which CRM works best with your specific business. There are many industry-specific CRM’s to choose from. Secondly, monitor pain points that your business may have and integrate a CRM that helps in those departments. Doing this will help you better match your business to the right software.

Thank you for taking the time to look through my project landing page!

If you’d like to chat or have any further questions please reach out to me on my LinkedIn!

I look forward to connecting!



Lhia Romero

Venezuelan (SOS) native residing in Brooklyn. Striving to learn something new everyday.